Hoffech chi gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddigwyddiadau yng Nghwm Penmachno? Mae gan y pentref dudalen Facebook.
(Nid yw Cyngor Cymuned Bro Machno yn gyfrifol am y cynnwys ar y dudalen Facebook).
Cwm News
Cwm News page for the community of Cwm Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed, North Wales.
Christmas events at St Tudclud’s in Penmachno 😊
Mae cofnodion diweddaraf y Cyngor Cymuned bellach ar-lein.www.cyngorbromachno.cymru/cyfarfodydd/The latest Community Council minutes are now online.
A couple of people have told me that power may be off until around 2am. Fingers crossed it'll be sooner. Hope everyone is managing. Kerie Palin is asking if anyone has a generator? Please message her directly if you can help.
Photos from Cyngor Cymuned Bro Machno's post
Consultations today about future road closuresBydd y B4406 ar gau am sawl wythnos yn 2025.Ddydd / Nos Iau cewch gyfle i gwrdd â Rheolwr Cyffredinol SP Energy ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru, i glywed am gynlluniau'r cwmni ac i ddweud wrthynt am eich pryderon.Bu dryswch yn ddiweddar ynglŷn â chyfrifoldebau'r Cyngor Cymuned.Nid yw'r Cyngor Cymuned yn gyfrifol am waith, cyfyngiadau traffig neu gau'r B4406. Rydym bob amser wedi deall pa mor anodd yw'r gwaith hwn i drigolion Bro Machno ac rydym wedi annog SP Energy i gyfathrebu â chi'n uniongyrchol. Manteisiwch ar y cyfle gwych hwn i siarad â nhw.---The B4406 will be closed for several weeks in 2025.On Thursday you will have a chance to meet SP Energy’s General Manager for North Wales, to hear about the company’s plans and voice your concerns.There has been confusion recently about the Community Council’s responsibilities.The Community Council is not responsible for the works, the traffic restrictions or the road closures. We have always understood how difficult these works are for residents of Bro Machno and have encouraged SP Energy to communicate with you directly. Please take this excellent opportunity to talk to them.