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Cwm News

Cwm News

Cwm News page for the community of Cwm Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed, North Wales.

6 diwrnod yn ôl

Cwm News
Message regarding kitten sighting in Cwmhi, we passed a tiny tabby kitten near Llechwedd Hafod farm on the bridge, it scurried away somewhere possibly into the fields if someone is looking for a kitten. ... Gweld MwyGweld Llai

1 wythnos yn ôl

Cwm News
Classic film night at Sinema Shiloh - Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in a crackling comedy! ... Gweld MwyGweld Llai

2 wythnos yn ôl

Cwm News
Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod balwnau a phosteri wedi'u lamineiddio yn gallu edrych fel bwyd i anifeiliaid? Maen nhw’n gallu achosi marwolaeth araf trwy rwystro'r llwybr treulio / llwybr anadlu.Hoffai'r Cyngor Cymuned eich annog i:- Rhoi'r gorau i lamineiddio a defnyddio'r hysbysfyrddau newydd yn ein pentrefi (a fydd hefyd yn helpu i dorri allan plastig untro!)- Darllenwch y wybodaeth ganlynol am falwnau wedi ysgrifenni gan y you know that balloons and laminated posters can look like food to animals? They can cause a slow death by blocking the digestive tract / respiratory tract.The Community Council would like to encourage you to:- Stop laminating and use the new noticeboards in our villages (which will also help cut out single-use plastic!)- Read the following information written by the RSPCA about free Betws and District ... Gweld MwyGweld Llai

2 wythnos yn ôl

Cwm News
A few clips from Saturday's Midgestock - thanks as always to everyone who came and took part, whether audience or performer. A pair of sunglasses was left behind, and a red fleece blanket is missing - message us if you have accidentally collected it ☺️ ... Gweld MwyGweld Llai

2 wythnos yn ôl

Cwm News
Free from the Swch - also egg cartons, if anyone wants them. See message from Steffi belowI have this going for free as it is a shame to smash it up but it is not needed any longer here in the cottage . Free to collector (outside Swch ) under a blue tarp because the weather is lovely for August Diolch Also a big bag of empty egg carton a that were saved for a project that isn’t happening now. Diolch ... Gweld MwyGweld Llai