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Community Councils are the closest tier of local government to the people. They serve the smallest geographical area and are responsible for local matters. The responsibilities of Cyngor Cymuned Bro Machno include:

Cemeteries – The Community Council owns and manages the cemeteries at Eglwys Sant Tudclud and Arwelfa.

Public Footpaths  – responsibility for the upkeep of footpaths is shared with Eryri National Park and Conwy County Council.

Toilets – From 2017, the Community Council has been responsible for the Public Toilet situated in Penmachno

Planning – the planning authority (Eryri National Park) is required to consult the community council on all local planning issues or planning applications. The council is able to put forward its views but all decisions are made by the National Park Authority.

A voice for the community – the council acts as a voice for the local community in its dealings with the county council and other agencies and public bodies.

Finance – Community councils are able to levy rates as part of the Council Tax. See below for more information.

General – the council can support and promote projects that are of benefit to the community.


The right of community councils to precept the council tax is one of their most significant powers. This provides a regular income for reinvestment in the community for the benefit of the community.

Financial Report: The council produces annual Financial Returns which are audited by official auditors appointed by the Welsh Government.